Naturopathic Medicine



dr. jacinta sullivan naturopathic doctor taking patients blood pressure in consult room

Naturopathic Medicine is a system of care that combines evidence-based assessment of your health concerns with holistic/natural approaches to treatment.

Naturopathic Doctors complete a 4-year undergraduate degree followed by a 4-year Naturopathic medicine program.

In your first 90-minute appointment, your Naturopathic Doctor will complete a comprehensive assessment of your overall health including specific health concerns as well as a full body and lifestyle assessment. Naturopathic doctors can do physical examinations (including pap exams) and order lab work. We will use lifestyle changes, dietary support, and vitamins/supplements/herbs to address your health concerns.

Our goal is to treat the whole person, not just a singular symptom or disease. We will seek to find and address the root cause of your concerns.

dr. jacinta sullivan naturopathic doctor taking patients blood pressure in consult room


What to Expect


Your first visit will be a 90 minute assessment in office or virtually. This is a comprehensive assessment of your overall health. Your treatment may include:







Your naturopathic doctor and you will work as a team to decide when you should check-in for follow up. Visits are typically 45-60 mins.

Naturopathic Rates

Initial Assessment


Pediatric Initial (0-12yrs)


     15 min
     30 min
     45 min
     60 min


Female Pelvic Exam (PAP)

+ $30 Pap Lab Fee
+ $50 Bacterial Swab Lab fee


Intravenous Vitamin Therapy

+ $30-110 supply fee


Initial Assessment


Pediatric Initial


     15 min
     30 min
     45 min
     60 min


Female Pelvic Exam (PAP)

+$30 Pap Lab Fee
+$50 Bacterial Swab Lab Fee


Intravenous Vitamin Therapy

Add $30-110 supply fee


PLEASE NOTE: kindly provide us with 48 hours of notice if you must cancel or reschedule your appointment.
No-shows and late cancellations will be billed for the full visit fee.
Have insurance?
We offer direct billing
for most insurance companies
dr jacinta sullivan naturopathic doctor sitting at wooden desk on laptop with herbal medicine textbooks in forefront
two women discussing forms in office at a grey desk

Sliding Scale

The sliding scale tier you fall within is based on either your life circumstances or your income. Please feel free to choose the tier that you identify most with. The naturopathic doctors and/or receptionists will never ask you to provide proof.

Trans/NB individuals and Indigenous folks qualify for No-Fee OR Pay What you Want appointments.


I may worry about meeting my basic needs, but regularly achieve them. I have some debt but it does not prohibit attainment of basic needs. I am employed at a stable job. I rent stable housing. I have access to some savings and have some expendable income. I am able to buy some new items and I thrift others.

Annual income:

Fee: Patient receives a 25% discount off all appointment prices. Patient pays full price for products.


I worry about meeting my basic needs, but still regularly achieve them. I have some debt but it does not prohibit attainment of basic needs. I am employed. I rent relatively stable housing. I do not have access to significant financial savings or expendable income. I rarely buy new items because I am unable to afford them.

Annual income:

Fee: Patient receives a 40% discount off all appointment prices. Patient pays full price for products.


I frequently worry about meeting basic needs and don’t always achieve them. I have debt and it sometimes prohibits me from meeting my basic needs. I have no access to savings. I am unemployed or underemployed. I rent unstable housing, or am currently seeking housing.

Annual income:
< $0-20,000

Fee: Patient receives a 60% discount off all appointment prices. Patient gets 10% off products.

Sliding scale appointments can only be booked over phone/email. Please reference your tier when booking an appointment.
If we no longer have appointments left for that month you will be added to a waiting list.

We regret that sliding scale prices cannot be applied to IV Therapy.


Book an Appointment Today!

We offer direct billing from the following insurance companies:

  • Alberta Blue Cross
  • Wood Buffalo District School Board
    (Alberta Blue Cross)
  • Equitable Life
  • Canadian Benefit Providers
  • Green Shield Canada
  • SSQ Insurance
  • BPA – Benefit Plan Administrators
  • Canada Life (Great West Life)
  • Canadian Construction Workers Union
  • Chambers of Commerce Group Insurance
  • ClaimSecure
  • Cowan
  • Desjardins Insurance
  • First Canadian
  • GMS Carrier 49
  • CMG Carrier 50
  • GroupSource
  • Industrial Alliance
  • Johnson Group Inc.
  • Johnson Inc.
  • LiUNA Local 183
  • LiUNA Local 506
  • Manion
  • Manulife Financial
  • Maximum Benefit
  • Medavie Blue Cross (note from Medical Doctor required)
  • Sun Life Financial
  • Telus AjudiCare

If you’re with our listed insurance companies, please provide us the following information:

  • First name, last name
  • Date of birth
  • Gender
  • Policy Information
  • Member full name and date of birth
    (if you are not the policy holder)
  • Relationship to policy holder
  • Policy number
  • Member ID

Land Acknowledgement

Juniper Naturopathic Clinic operates on nistawâyâw, within Treaty 8. This is the traditional territory of the Cree and Dene people and the unceded homeland of the Métis. We recognize that the colonization of this land by settlers like us was and continues to be unjust and harmful. 

We would like to honour the role Indigenous people have taken on for thousands of years as environmental stewards and we would like to show the same respect for the environment. We acknowledge that much of Naturopathic Medicine’s understanding of herbal medicine and other treatments is owed to the knowledge and wisdom of Indigenous peoples.

We are grateful for the opportunity to practice medicine, learn, and work on this land.