Become a Patient

Please fill out the form here and we will match you with a practitioner & contact you to book an appointment!

We offer:

  • Naturopathic medicine
  • Nurse practitioner
  • Certified Nutritional Practitioner
  • IV therapy
  • Botox/filler
  • Microneedling
We offer:

Naturopathic medicine
Nurse practitioner
Certified Nutritional Practitioner
IV therapy

Land Acknowledgement

Juniper Naturopathic Clinic operates on nistawâyâw, within Treaty 8. This is the traditional territory of the Cree and Dene people and the unceded homeland of the Métis. We recognize that the colonization of this land by settlers like us was and continues to be unjust and harmful. 

We would like to honour the role Indigenous people have taken on for thousands of years as environmental stewards and we would like to show the same respect for the environment. We acknowledge that much of Naturopathic Medicine’s understanding of herbal medicine and other treatments is owed to the knowledge and wisdom of Indigenous peoples.

We are grateful for the opportunity to practice medicine, learn, and work on this land.